Using Hubbell Power Systems, EHS has in-house capabilities to design and install helical pile foundation solutions where typical spread footings aren't suitable or economical.
Helical Piles are steel shafts with steel plates affixed to them that are screwed into the earth to a depth where suitable soils allow us to achieve bearing capacity.
The below pictures illustrate this in practice on a recent project where we were called upon to replace a golf cart bridge at the former location of Edgmont Country Club.
The site where we designed and installed a helical pile foundation, poured concrete pile caps and installed a prefabricated pedestrian bridge is being redeveloped as Edgmont Preserve and the new bridge will serve the community in the open space as part of the pedestrian trails.
Original golf cart bridge at the former site of the Edgmont Country Club. Presented with options the owner decided to replace the bridge.
Typical installation of Helical piles upon which the pile caps will be installed.
Finished pile caps after they have been poured in place and their forms stripped.
A 100 ton crane was utilized the seat the prefabricated bridge in place.
The pedestrian bridge secured in place awaiting the completion of the pedestrian trail